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DriveMining offers the possibility to generate additional income by driving vehicles and validating the creation of blocks from Data Collecting machines.


Token Unlock

Monthly Token Unlock: 87,500 EDAT



DriveMining Rewards aim for a €400 monthly income.
In order to fulfill this requirement, each DriveMiner must work:
– 20 hours per day
– 24 days per month

That’s a total of 480 hours in 1 month (per Drive Miner).
The reward for DriveMining 1 hours is 0.83 EDAT.
On the other hand, DriveMining includes an applied Price Ratio for inflationary control.
– EDAT Sales Price: will always be € 1.00
– Current EDAT Price: determined by market


Scenario 1: EDAT Sales Price = EDAT Current Price

Average Daily DriveMining Hours per Driver: 20
Number of days spent drive-mining: 24
Total DriveMining Hours: 480

EDAT Sales Price: €1
Current EDAT Price: €1

Scenario 2: EDAT Sales Price > EDAT Current Price

Average Daily DriveMining Hours per Driver: 20
Number of days spent drive-mining: 24
Total DriveMining Hours: 480

EDAT Sales Price: €1
Current EDAT Price: €0.75


Scenario 3: EDAT Sales Price < EDAT Current Price

Average Daily DriveMining Hours per Driver: 20
Number of days spent drive-mining: 24
Total DriveMining Hours: 480

EDAT Sales Price: €1
Current EDAT Price: €1.25

Available DriveMining Hours (in 1 month)

The total available hours for DriveMining will depend on the Monthly Token Unlock and the DriveMining Reward per hour.


Available DriveMining Machines

If there are 105,000 available hours and each DriveMining machine works 480 hours per month.
Then, the max amount of DriveMining Machine that there can be is 219.




DriveMining Machines: 100
Average DriveMining hours per machine in 1 month: 480 hours

Total DriveMining hours: 48,000


Data Collecting Machines work by streams. Every stream collects information for 10 minutes, meaning that in 1 hour there is a total of 6 streams made. Afterwards, 6 streams make 1 complete Block that is later processed for validation (via DriveMing and Validators).



Stream Payments depend on the total number of active data collecting machines. In this first instance, we’re going to analyze Sensors with the previous distribution.



Daily Token Unlock (sensors): 19,393.94
Number of Sensors: 5,000

In 1 day, a Data Collecting Machine should work for 8 hours (creating 8 complete blocks). That means that in 1 hour, Sensors earn 0.48 EDAT
= 3.88 / 8 = 0.48

Nonetheless, 1 block is composed of 6 streams.
The Sensor Reward per Stream is 0.08 EDAT
= 0.48 / 6 = 0.08


Available Sensor Streams

If the Stream Payment for Sensors is 0.08 EDAT, then the total sensor streams that can be done in 1 day is 240,000.


Just like Sensors, Lidiar depend on the total number of active data collecting machines.


Daily Token Unlock (lidiar): 7,272.73
Number of Lidiar: 500

In 1 day, a Data Collecting Machine should work for 8 hours (creating 8 complete blocks).
That means that in 1 hour, Lidiar earn 0.61 EDAT
= 4.85 / 8 = 0.61

Nonetheless, 1 block is composed of 6 streams.
The Lidiar Reward per Stream is 0.10 EDAT
= 0.61 / 6 = 0.10


Available Streams

If the Stream Payment for Lidiar is 0.10 EDAT, then the total streams that can be done in 1 day is 72,000.